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by letumgo » Sun May 05, 2019 9:24 am
Here is a set of Dana Reed (Theroe) fishing flies. Dana, can you tell us about these flies? I'd love to know more about them, their history, and how to fish them.
Wet Flies:
Dry Flies:
Guys - Look closely at the wide variety of hooks Dana used in this set. Amazing.
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by DOUGSDEN » Sun May 05, 2019 8:24 pm
These patterns are wonderful! So beautiful and so masterfully tied!
Ray, thank you for sharing these with us! Your photography is great as usual!
You two should tag team like this more often! It's awesome!
Doug in the Den
Fish when you can, not when you should! Anything short of this is just a disaster.
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by Mike62 » Mon May 06, 2019 6:13 am
I really like Dana's quill and hackle work; so distinctive. As for his choice of hooks, several of them appear to be old enough to have been used by Uncle Izaak himself. I'm really getting into this hook thing; thank you, Dana. Great pics, Ray!
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by tie2fish » Mon May 06, 2019 7:21 am
Learned at the knee of The Master and dressed using the ultimate in materials by a superb tier in his own right. And the photos ain't shabby either. Thanks, gentlemen.
Some of the same morons who throw their trash around in National parks also vote. That alone would explain the state of American politics. ~ John Gierach, "Still Life with Brook Trout"
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by RickA » Mon May 06, 2019 8:51 am
Dana was tying a few of those patterns at Fly Fest 2019 last February.
I don't have the quills he had but I'm having fun tying "Scotch style"
Ray, There's a good chance that the hackle on those are from Darbee too.
( I took a peek at his stash

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by Theroe » Mon May 06, 2019 2:54 pm
Many thanks for all the kind words from everyone. I like to fish upstream, either dead drift or rising-to-the-surface. This particular style of tying came from Ivan to me: basically scotch tied over a quill abdomen/natural fur thorax; a Marinaro nymph and Leisenring/Hidy Flymph mix......many solitary soldiers of Pennsylvania’s wet fly camp practice this very same technique. As far as the hooks go, I don’t know where that sickness came from

....there is just something special about old, handmade iron, with a deep bronze finish....
Soft and wet - the only way....
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by daringduffer » Tue May 07, 2019 5:20 am
Theroe wrote: ↑Mon May 06, 2019 2:54 pm
....there is just something special about old, handmade iron, with a deep bronze finish....