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Post by nfrechet » Thu May 25, 2023 8:46 am



Tail - Brown mallard
Tail-tag - Red floss
Ribbing - Gold tinsel
Body - Yellow wool
Hackle - Grizzly “barred rock”
Wing - Light brown mottled turkey or Bittern

From Don Bastian Notes

These tag, tip, tail, and tail-tag corrections for the Kamaloff and other patterns in this collection defer to the accurate explanations given in the book, Flies (1950), by J. Edson Leonard. The color plate paintings in Trout, which I believe, considering the fact that Dr. Edgar Burke measured bird feathers with calipers so that he could get the proportions correct when he painted upland game birds and waterfowl, translate to accurate renditions of his fly paintings, which were always painted from actual samples.
Flytiers sure have a way at making things difficult
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