Here is my first shot at trying out the hen necks from Charlie Collins. These are all tied on size 14 1XL hooks.

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Tag & ribbing: XS Ultra Wire - Copper
Body: 2 strands of peacock (Wrapped together)
Hackle: Furnace (3 turns)
Thread: Uni 8/0 - Orange

- 009.JPG (96.85 KiB) Viewed 7243 times
Tail: Medium Dun Hackle
Body: Olive hare's ear spun on olive Pearsall's Gossamer
Hackle:Medium Dun (3 turns)
Head: Peacock (very fine, 3 turns)
Thread: Uni 8/0 - Olive

- 014.JPG (84.21 KiB) Viewed 7243 times
Under body: Mirage Tinsel (Medium) - Opal
Over body: Vinyl Round Rib (Medium) - Amber
Thorax: Peacock (6 turns)
Hackle: Ginger (3 turns)
Thread: Sheer 14/0 - Black

- 017.JPG (127.48 KiB) Viewed 7243 times
Tail: Wood Duck
Body: Hare's ear & muskrat blend spun on Golden olive Pearsall's
Hackle: Badger (3 turns)
Thread: Orvis 6/0 - Brown
I tied the hackle in first on each fly, extending out over the eye. When it was time to wrap them, I pulled them straight up and wrapped them forward. I liked the way these hackles wrapped, without twisting and I think they lay back nicely. Is 3 turns 1 too many? The badger hackle resulted in a nice 2-tone effect (when you look from the front). It's not as noticeable with the furnace as I had hoped!
Tight lines- Ken