Materials (Hackle / Dubbing / Prespun Bodies:
Detailed Tying Sequence in Photos:
Step 1 - Hackle Preparation
Step 2 - Tying in the hackle
Step 3 - Selecting hen hackle fibers for the tail
Step 4 - Tying in the tail
Step 5 - Tying in the prespun bodies
Step 6 - Tightening up the prespun bodies during tying process:
Step 7 - Wrapping the body
The master at work...
Step 8 - Wrapping the hackle
Step 9 - Tying off and forming a nicely tapered head
Step 10 - Apply head cement and shape/train the hackle collar with half-hitch tool
Finished Result - Bill Shuck's Conover Flymph