So a hacker switched photos in my post? Methinks I know who the hackled hacker might be. Look familiar?
Dana, yes ... a collared-dove skin contains lots of useful feathers, even in the small sizes that I use most often. Feathers on the nape of the neck and shoulders have a quite nice pinkish cast. The feather stems are fairly delicate, though, and a soft hand is needed when wrapping.
John, I own a couple of collared-dove skins. I think one came from Blue Ribbon Flies, and I probably bought the other on Ebay. Mourning Doves, which ARE protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, are more common than collared-doves, especially up 'nort 'here, eh. That was probably what you saw on the feeder. Collared-doves are larger than mourning doves, but the feathers are of similar colors.
Ray, that is indeed one of William's beautiful dubbing blocks. The tube of tying wax was made by Tom Waits, a nearby Wisconsin fly tyer. I really like Tom's home recipes, and he is very generous with the goods.