Congratulations on finding a source for your "Lemon Spaniel" fur!Bazzer69 wrote:I have the final ingredient for the original Tups dubbing as published back in the thirties. Lemon Spaniel! I was at my local archery club weekly indoor shoot and lo and behold one of the members showed up with a twelve week old English Spaniel. What makes this more rare is that in California you cannot legally purchase a though breed dog. He is a lovely colour and he’s agreed to donate a little of his lovely soft coat!

into your fly and look forward to seeing the results.
However, an Old English (aka Springer), Spaniel would be colored Liver and White not Lemon. ... 25&bih=712
However a Cocker Spaniel would look more like this ... 25&bih=712
Cockers come in a multitude of colors but the yellows (Buff), are the closest to the Lemon but that's just my opinion.
I also noticed the statement that I highlighted above and it struck me as odd, perhaps not so much for Cali. but odd none-the-less.
A quick Google to see what the law is only shows the Cali only recently prohibited the sale by retailers of non- rescue
puppies to kill the puppy mills. The sale of dogs however needs to be accompanied by a document from the breeder
with the particulars of the animal ie. breed, gender,dob, and that it is free of disease. So, a pedigreed dog should be a
normal purchase, even in Cali.
Excuse me if I may have come across as a bit harsh, but you appear to be a person that is picky about "correctness"
in the things that concern you and I thought you might appreciate the 'correct" information instead of incorrect being
put out.