Waterhen bloa

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Re: Waterhen bloa

Post by William Anderson » Tue Jan 12, 2016 9:09 am

Smuggler wrote:I'd say they could be classified as a Waterhen Bloa. If you're looking for a suitable sub for water rat check out a pine squirrel skin. Great substitute.
Good call on the pine squirrel underfur. Without guard hairs is just a very soft, fine, shorter staple dun dubbing.
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Re: Waterhen bloa

Post by William Anderson » Tue Jan 12, 2016 9:29 am

Tim, for starts, holy crap, those are beautiful. I always love seeing the delicate little bodies on these flies. Top rate. I'm actually surprised to hear you were in need of a mole skin. I wish I had known. I grab one almost overtime I find a shop with a really nice skin. That's not often, but I must have more than I'll use around here.

A couple weeks ago I was talking to a forum friend, Charles Boinske, who was fishing in Montana and was excited to report he was taking record size Cutts in record sizes on this fly. Watching his buddies up and down the stretch frustrated tossing dries, emergers, droppers, nymphs etc. These flies just get ignored and neglected by such a large swath of fly fishers. It's just such a remarkable imitation exactly as it's tied here. Beautiful.

(Sometimes we have those experiences when you see a guy dialed in and taking fish when it seems you can't buy a bite. For me that's usually fishing in site of Mr. Shuck.)

Stefan, I can imagine how sparse the vole dubbing would have to be to achieve this delicate balance of silk/fur. Mole, in my opinion is much easier to use, traditional or not. It gives me the desired effect for olives. Knowing you're comfortable back at the vise is fantastic news. I'd love to see your Waterhen Bloa version if you can get a pic. What is the shade of the Bailey wax you're referring to. I need to send that guy some money and add his waxes to my collection.

Ray, thanks for posting the dubbing pics. Those really do help. I need to be doing more of that. Maybe I'll lay some out and add some of the other subs like pine squirrel. There is a section on a red fox behind the ear and adjacent to the creamy ginger dubbing that I love so much, that is a dead ringer for the vole. I'll have to add that to the mix.
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Re: Waterhen bloa

Post by daringduffer » Wed Jan 13, 2016 5:02 pm

William Anderson wrote:
Stefan, I can imagine how sparse the vole dubbing would have to be to achieve this delicate balance of silk/fur. Mole, in my opinion is much easier to use, traditional or not. It gives me the desired effect for olives. Knowing you're comfortable back at the vise is fantastic news. I'd love to see your Waterhen Bloa version if you can get a pic. What is the shade of the Bailey wax you're referring to. I need to send that guy some money and add his waxes to my collection.
The wax is "natural coloured". You really don't need dark wax to get the olive shade with yellow silk. What I like about this wax is that it gives a good grip without being messy. If I had a reputation, I would recommend it highly, but since I haven't, it would just be words. So I just say try it, I think you will like it. I have his previous generation too, but I like this one a lot better.

I have to practise to get the vole right. The staple length gives me inconsistent results. It is supposed to splay from the silk, but sometimes it twists around it, making the body too dark. Less is more is very applicable here.

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Re: Waterhen bloa

Post by wsbailey » Fri Jan 15, 2016 8:13 pm

IMG_0868.JPG (142.9 KiB) Viewed 12011 times
Water vole substitute. This is a kit muskrat skin. It's the only one I have ever seen this color. Ususally they are gray.
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Re: Waterhen bloa

Post by DOUGSDEN » Sat Jan 16, 2016 10:39 pm

Wow! The patterns and the furs are just awesome! Your waterhens are boss! So well tied and enticing looking! Glad I'm not a trout!
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Re: Waterhen bloa

Post by Premerger » Sun Jan 17, 2016 4:03 am

After these good suggestions for subs, I hope some of you will post your Waterhen bloas.
How hard can it be?
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Re: Waterhen bloa

Post by tie2fish » Sun Jan 17, 2016 8:58 am

Premerger wrote:After these good suggestions for subs, I hope some of you will post your Waterhen bloas.
Previously: http://www.flymphforum.com/viewtopic.ph ... x+waterhen
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Re: Waterhen bloa

Post by Premerger » Sun Jan 17, 2016 12:49 pm

Thank you Bill.
There are good comments in the post as well.
You're handling of the mole is admirable.
How hard can it be?
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Re: Waterhen bloa

Post by Ruard » Sun Jan 17, 2016 3:55 pm

Here is my Waterhen Bloa:



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Re: Waterhen bloa

Post by Premerger » Sun Jan 17, 2016 4:14 pm

That's nice Ruard.
What fur have you used in the thorax?
How hard can it be?
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