I always used the dubbing loop method if I wanted a shaggy fur body. No block or anything, just inserting the fur noodle or cut fur into the waxed loop by hand. Since joining this site, I have seen the advantages of the block for mixing furs, etc. I determined to see if I could come up with a vise mounted alternative, so that I could spin the bodies as I tied the fly. No reason, just a preference. The first attempt was OK, but the smooth top of the block proved a bit squirrely to work with. I ran across the idea of using an iron on fabric patch, I think it was Ray's idea. That helped a lot. Here's what I ended up with. I'm not tying a fly here, just using some thread and fur that I hope shows up. Oh, and Happy St Patricks day.
The thread laid in the groove and covered with fur
Thread laid over the fur with a hook in place to spin the thread. Bobbin hanging over the hook. A fairly heavy bobbin is a good idea.
Same step from the back of the vise
Thread twisted, block swung out of the way, ready to wrap the body.