Start by waxing your silk, I used primrose and a nice wax that William gave me while we we're at the Lancaster show. Gives it a perfect olive shade.

Next tie in your feather, I used a slate colored hen.. I think Keough. Take your silk back to the point.

Select your dubbing. I used a pre-blended SLF olive dub. I took most of the flashy fibers out, I don't really like them. When applying the dubbing pinch and slightly twist.

Dub upto the tie in spot where your hen hackle is, take a turn or two in front of the hackle.

Two turns of hackle and tie off. Make a nice head with your whip finish and you're done!

Hope you enjoy.
Hook: Alec Jackson North Country size 15
Silk: Primrose waxed with dark cobblers
Dubbing: SLF Olive
Hackle: Keough Med. Dun