Howdy All;
Well, thud ( ...sound of another book hitting the table top


I've got the Hayter book as well, in the bit quoted by Lance on pg. 157,
it starts out with 3 more words "Two decades later," ... then the rest of Lance's quote.
" a 1935 number of the Journal of the Flyfishers' Club, Mottram extended the scope of this tactic into something resembling the Leisenring Lift, a technique, as with many others in angling, which may have been re-invented several times. He wrote:"
The leaded nymph is often far more attractive than the unleaded, because with it you can imitate the rising of a nymph from the bottom. To do this, oil the gut and line to within two feet of the fly, cast well above and a little beyond the trout, allowing the whole to drift down to the fish without drag. As it passes the fish, gently draw on the line, causing the nymph to ascend through the water in imitation of a natural, and if all goes well the trout will follow it up and take it."
Apparently, the good Dr. had published his thoughts about casting up and across and
elevating the cast as it approached the fish in question in his book "Fly Fishing: Some
New Arts & Mysteries, 1915", (don't have it ...yet), a whole 25 years before the JL & PH
books came out and 6 years before Skeus' "The Way of a Trout with a Fly" in 1921 but 5
years after Skues' first book and I haven't yet finished that one to see if there is or isn't
(doubtful, given Skues' attitude about dragging flies) any mention about using any type
of inducements.
Mr. Hayter's dialogue about Dr. Mottram starts on pg. 155 of the Skues book and covers
the the rest of the chapter, ending on pg. 159 including some of Skues' comments about
the method describing it as a "dragging" method. Needless to sat They did not collaborate
but stayed each to his own ... shame about that.
Striving for a less complicated life since 1949...
"Every day I beat my own previous record for number
of consecutive days I've stayed alive." George Carlin