James ("Jim") Leisenring championed the English North-country wet fly in his native United States...
It is fair to point out that Leisenring seems also to have derived an
amount of his expertise from the great Devonian wet-fly fisherman H.C.
Cutcliffe, whose great little book Trout Fishing on Rapid Streams
appeared in 1863. Cutcliffe's flies typify the West-country style with
their sparkling hackles of Old English Game pountry and Leisenring
adopted the stiff and sparkling cock hackles in his fast water patterns,
reserving the soft-hackled versions for moderate and slow currents.
Cutcliffe presented thirty-eight patterns in his book and arranged his
choices to the months of the season and precludes a more detailed study.
In the following dressings all hackles must be cock hackles which the
author stresses must be of the highest quality.
(HW - "highest quality" in Cutcliffe's days was not the same as today, so for the patterns I used a lower grade of today's hackle.)

No. 1
Hook: Sprite Perfect #14 (or equivalent)
Thread: Benecchi 12/0
Hackle: Rusty brown blue
Body: Equal parts of fox's and squirrel fur, from the back

No. 3
Hook: Sprite Perfect #14 (or equivalent)
Thread: Benecchi 12/0
Hackle: Cutcliffe states 'Black Red'. which I take to be either furnace or coch-y-bondhu
Body: Either dark peacock's herl with gold tinsel or cow's hair of a purple tint ribbed with gold tinsel
Hans W