3 Hanks of yarn
1 Pair of Ruffed Grouse wings
1 wonderful Steelhead fly fishing book, signed by both author and photographer!
Many thanks Ray.

The beer bottle now resides on top of the "fly fishing" bookshelf beside my desk.

Almost like having been there.
Wonderful book, but not enough Steelhead soft hackles in there....... very nice one from VERN-O, the GRHESH Spey, but the rest are a bit more "vigorous" in tying style.
Thus inspired, I tied up these today. No idea if they would work for Steelhead- we do not have true Steelhead here..... but they are just my take on what perhaps a big Steelhead soft hackle might look like.


Hook: Mustad 36890 Dublin point, Limerick bend, Forged, Turned up looped oval eye, Black. #1/0

Thread: UTC Ultra 280 Black.
Tag & Rib: UNI medium mylar tinsel.
Tail: Black Squirrel tail fibres and 4 strands of black/red crystal flash.
Body (lower): Red wool yarn shank wrapped.
Mid Hackle: Red dyed cock hackle.
Body (upper): Red faux Seal fur dubbing (noodle dubbed and brushed back).
Front Hackle: Two Peacock body feathers, wrapped one at a time.
Head: Tying thread & varnish.

Hook: As above.
Thread: As above.
Tag & Rib-1: As above.
Tail: Purple Turkey Marabou, 4 strands purple crystal flash (tied 2 per side).
Rib 2: Silver wire. (counter-wound over body hackle).
Body (Spey) hackle: Pukeko flank. Tied in by tip at base and wound up to follow first rib.
Body: Purple "straggle" yarn. (Thanks again Ray).
Hackle: Single Peacock body feather.
Horns: Single strand of purple crystal flash to each side.
Head: Tying thread & varnish.
From the front.