Pale Morning Dun (Nemes)
Hook - Tiemco 100 Dry Fly Hook (Size 14 or 16)
Tread - 8/0 UNI-Thread (orange)
Hackle - Hen Neck Hackle (Dirty White)
Tail - Zelon (Clear)
Body - Pale yellowy/orange blend of dyed rabbit dubbing
Self Critique - The hackle seems too short, and Mr. Nemes would recommend dubbing in front of the hackle as well. The dubbing blend needs a bit more yellow to start with. The orange tying thread seems to make the orange dubbing show thru a bit more than I had intended.
I'd tye another version, but it is too damned hot. My hands are all sweaty and keeps sticking to my dubbing. Time to go outside and cool off...