Perhaps you are familiar with the Mustad 277 #32 hook, or if not, here is a visual
It is safe to assume that you will concur with my observation that this Mustad 277 hook is, well, rather tiny
Why do I bring this up as part of this thread? Well, some years back I conducted a small (operative word!) project, where I sent out a number of these hooks to tiers I knew with the request to tie a fly on the hook and return their output to me.
At the time there was a restart attempt for Rogan of Donegal, the company known among other things as a what-is-this-thing-called-a-flytying-vice-we-only-tie-in-hand outfit. The star tier of the outfit tied me a Peter Ross on the teeny Mustad hook. How she
ever managed to 1. hold on to the hook, and 2. expose enough of the hook to tie on, is a mystery to me to this very day!!!
Hans W
PS Well done on your first attempts!