"Bug Palmer" (olive)
Hook - Mustad 3906/Size 8
Thread - UTC Ultra Thread (Olive)
Tail - Pheasant Rump Feather Fibers (Natural Rusty Orange)
Body Palmer Hackle - Collen's Rooster Neck (Dark Dun)
Body - Jay Fair's Seal Sub Dubbing (Medium Olive)
Collar - Pheasant Rump Church Window Feather (Olive)
I recently bought several packs of Jay Fair's Seal Sub Dubbing, and had time this morning to play around at the vise. Loving this dubbing as a seal substitute (really nice translucent fibers).
The natural (drab) color combination should work well. Seems like it could be fished wet/damp/or dry (treated with floatant).
Can't wait to go fishing with "Bug Palmer".