Mr. Gando, a Huge welcome. So far you've gotten some very sound responses. I will add a twist however. If you go cruising through this site looking for an overview of how to begin in this sometimes very focussed topic, you will find some nuance and jargon that will cause more confusion than answers. Much of the information is more valuable than many of us are able to get your mind around. No offense intended, I dont know you yet, you may be a Phd in Neurology for all I know, but these things are filled with not only very specific and somewhat insulated information, but also lots of contradictory information.
I will echo Mark's comment about finding a couple good books to give you an overview, then some of this silliness will make more sense. Dave Hughs is a very good suggestion. Also Allen Mcgee's book. The Leisenring book is invaluable as well, but you'll need to know what he's talking about to appreciate just how simple and clear his methods really are. I'll add that if you can find Sylvester Nemes and Roger Fogg. I was just surprised to find in the simplest amazon search of wet flies, the first order, recommended are the authors that I just mentioned. Total coincidence (based in experience.)
I would suggest breaking it down. What are the flies about? How to fish them? What are the flies you are seeing here and how do you tie them? Then pile on the questions. This group is one of the most generous and good natured in general. You can not ask a question that is too fundamental or that hasn't been asked already, so you'll get a good response, and probably some fantastic links to earlier conversations related to each of your questions.
As a side note...

, you'll being to recognize the characters who post here often. So you'll recognize which is providing good information..and which you can just avoid all together

. I'm just teasing this is a very sound and cohesive group.
Do you tie? Where are you? What is your experience with fly fishing in general?