Pink Peril
Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 4:09 am
A bit of a stretch of the board definition of "wingless wet fly", bit here goes
Pink Peril
Hook: Grip 14723BL #12 (or Tiemco 206BL)
Thread: Benecchi 12/0, grey
Hackle: Saddle hackle barbs, lilac, sparse
Flash: Polar Flash, light pink, sparse
Rib: Polar Flash, light pink, single strand
Body: Mink, tan, in split thread, then twisted
Vane: Polar Flash single strand, claret, tied short
Hans W
Pink Peril
Hook: Grip 14723BL #12 (or Tiemco 206BL)
Thread: Benecchi 12/0, grey
Hackle: Saddle hackle barbs, lilac, sparse
Flash: Polar Flash, light pink, sparse
Rib: Polar Flash, light pink, single strand
Body: Mink, tan, in split thread, then twisted
Vane: Polar Flash single strand, claret, tied short
Hans W