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by DNicolson » Sun Sep 25, 2011 8:09 pm
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by letumgo » Sun Sep 25, 2011 11:07 pm
WOW!!! Fantastic flies Donald.
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by willowhead » Sun Sep 25, 2011 11:21 pm
Very cool flies/ties.......

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by kacbo » Mon Sep 26, 2011 4:23 am
Beautiful flies!
Question about last one - where is finish knot and when was hackle feather was tied?
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by DNicolson » Mon Sep 26, 2011 6:22 am
I hope this explanation works.
Stage 1
The hackle is tied on first, I used the method used by Chris Stewart on
his site TenkaraBum. The thread is layed down for a stretch at the eye
and the hackle is tied concave sideup and the stem pointed towards
the eye. I run the thread from the point you wish to wrap the hackle
towards the eye, fold the stem back and wrap back over the bent
stem, remove surplus stem. You now have the hackle pointing down
the hook with the concave uppermost.. Now the thread is wound for a
few turns on the other side of the hackle. I now cover the thread at the eye with varnish and when dry, wrap the hackle using more turns than you would for a North country spider. Wet fingers help to pull the hackle fibres
forward at each turn, moving with each turn away from the eye.
Chris Stewart does a good job of explaining this on his web-site.
Stage 2
I then wrapped the thread towards the butt end, re-wrapped towards
the hackle with touch dubbed mole fur. I used the method described by
Mike Connor, which I had used before but his description is excellent.
I dubbed the thorax, and finished as below.
Stage 3
I used a technique from bead head nymphs, the thread is tied off
between the thorax and the hackle. Using a Materelli style whip tool
this is not difficult, some of the thorax fur is dubbed onto the thread
for a short length and the whip finished between the hackle and
thorax, dubbed fur covers up the thread.
By using the final whip finish between the hackle and thorax, using wire
ribs etc is not difficult, the ends are buried under the thorax.
I hope this is all comprehensible.
By-the-way, the white bits showing are surplus PrittStik which is soluble in
water and should disappear when the fly is used.
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by tie2fish » Mon Sep 26, 2011 6:55 am
All excellent, Donald. I particularly like the first one.
Some of the same morons who throw their trash around in National parks also vote. That alone would explain the state of American politics. ~ John Gierach, "Still Life with Brook Trout"
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by kanutripr » Mon Sep 26, 2011 10:07 am
I have a particular attachment to the first but they are all amazing.
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by letumgo » Mon Sep 26, 2011 11:46 am
Donald - Thank you for the additional explanation regarding how these flies were tyed. Very helpful. I will say it again, fantastic flies...
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by hankaye » Mon Sep 26, 2011 3:14 pm
Donald, Howdy;
When I was first in the Coast Guard (ours is Much different then yours), I worked for a Chief Petty Officer who didn't like the idea that we were authorized to grow Beards and Moustaches. Granted I did push the limit’s a wee bit…
So much so that almost every week at least once he’d remark to me as to how I needed to see the barber.
HE may not like your wee fleas. I on the other hand sure do think they are FANTASTIC, wounderfully scruffy!!
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by kacbo » Tue Sep 27, 2011 4:06 am
all is clear. Than You for step-by-step description!