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Chocolate dun

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2022 2:59 pm
by Terrestrial12
I think I've FINALLY got my flymphs to the point where I am happy with them and the vision in my head lines up with the end result on the hook. Size 18 but it's a firehole so more like between a 16 and 14.

Re: Chocolate dun

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2022 9:13 pm
by DarrellP
Beautiful fly. Would you share your recipe?

Re: Chocolate dun

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2022 9:04 am
by Terrestrial12
Yes of course. The body is hares ear and cheek dyed dun, gray squirrel with the guard hairs left in, and a pinch of muskrat spun on "ramen" colored kimono silk. Ramen is somewhere between a creamy tan and gray.

Tail- 3 whisks of a barred light dun hen hackle
Abdomen- as described above
Hackle- chocolate dun hen Hackle. I believe metz
Working thread- 14/0 sheer in blue dun
Hackle- chocolate dun hen saddle

Everything is tied in an overall creamy tan and dun gray color and the body is comprised of lots of mottled gray guard hairs to give lots of translucency but be generic in color and impressionistic. I'm not what you'd call it but i also tie this with a hackle that would be like a furnace or badger but it's dark dun down the list and ginger on the tips. I've never seen it described on another cape or saddle before.

Re: Chocolate dun

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2022 11:51 am
by letumgo
That's a "keeper"! I hope to give the chocolate dun a swim. Gotta add some to my line up this winter.

Very well done. ;) Flymphtastic! :D