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Honey dun

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2022 12:47 pm
by Terrestrial12
I'm finally making some progress and starting to get the look I want without being upset that my flies aren't an exact copy of Lance or Carl. Finding my own style I guess. I still need the firs few wraps after the tail to be more sparse or a shorter staple length so it has a little better taper but I think it's still going to fish just fine. I build a new spinning block so once I get familiar with it I'll make some marks on it to help correct that issue. Anyway....
Hook: mustad forged wire, viking bend, up eye not sure the number code
Tail: chocolate dun hen hackle Whisks
Body: cheek from a hares mask dyed a light dun over natural mixed with some gray squirrel spun on ramen colored kimono
Hackle: chocolate dun hen
Working thread: ramen #376 kimono silk

Re: Honey dun

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2022 1:04 pm
by FlyFisherMann1955
Personally, I would be thrilled to receive your fly in a swap! Also, your photography skills make me green with envy and how imaginative to stick the fly in the wax.

Tight Lines- Ken

Re: Honey dun

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2022 3:38 pm
by Ron Eagle Elk
I once saw a friend take his dubbing in a pair of long tapered tweezers. He trimmed the dubbing off with a pair of scissors along the tweezer edges. Laid that in his Clark Block, twisted it up...perfect taper every time. Some might call that cheating, but not me. He's a much better fly dresser than I.

The title of your post reads "Honey dun". I was expecting a conversation about the different shades of honey dun hackle. Maybe we could get the title changed to "Honey of a Dun" to reflect the quality of that sweet, sweet fly.

Re: Honey dun

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2022 4:56 pm
I have done well with a similar dubbing mix I made for a couple patterns.
Well done.

Re: Honey dun

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2022 9:35 am
by ronr
what ffm1955 said... great fly, great photo,

Re: Honey dun

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2022 4:20 pm
by Terrestrial12
Yeah I'm not really sure why I called it honey dun when I used a chocolate dun hackle lol. I bought a pair of long tapered tweezers to trim the taper but I was hoping to slip them over the rope and trim when it was about half spun, then spin it a little more to finish. The silk gets in the way of this tho. I'll try trimming the dubbing itself but I was reluctant because I still struggle with knowing how much to use. That's for the kind words on the fly and photo!

Re: Honey dun

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2022 6:41 am
by hankaye
Terrestrial12, Howdy;

Check the SBS forum there are a few (2?), in the "pegged" section
on the first page that others have found helpful. YMMV.
