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A PMD and a Green Drake
Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 12:32 pm
by Hankinsfly
Hello everyone, hope you all are doing okay. Been since the March Brown swap that I posted. I’m getting ready for summer trip to Colorado and knew that my boxes wouldn’t be complete without a few flymphs. I modeled these two after established patterns. One is Alan McBee’s PMD Transition Flymph and the other is modeled after Rene Harrop’s Green Drake Emerger, as described in Gierach’s “Good Flies.” Both are tied on size 14 hooks, but one is tied small on a regular length hook, the other tied large on a 2x long. Another aspects of these ties is that one feather (gray phase grouse) was used for one of each pattern. The tip of the feather for the PMD, the longer, lower feather for the larger drake. These were a joy to tie, as flymphs and soft hackles always are. The trip is coming up soon. About 15 more work days!
Re: A PMD and a Green Drake
Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 1:09 pm
Good luck!!!!
I would add a pattern with an all Gray body, or at the minimum a Gray abdomen. I seem to do better with that color when fishing the Green Drake hatch in the Roaring Fork Valley.
Re: A PMD and a Green Drake
Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2020 7:27 am
by Ron Eagle Elk
Really nice. I rarely fished Drakes when I lived out west, but that may change here in the east. Still figuring things out.
PMD's are a favorite hatch to fish, especially on the Selway and Lochsa rivers of Idaho. Your patterns should do very well.
This one has saved the day for me many times. Mustad 94842 size 14, Orange silk, Wood Duck tails, fine gold wire rib, UV PMD dubbing, gray ostrich thorax and honey dun hackle with a white list. To be honest, it's the most complicated fly I tie, but when there are PMD's about, it has never failed me.
Re: A PMD and a Green Drake
Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 12:50 pm
by Hankinsfly
Thanks for the input dubbin.
Ron Eagle Elk- thanks! I will spin up a few of your PMD and add to the box. I caught the big Brown Drake hatch last year and it was magnificent. I think we will maybe catch the tail end of it or miss it this year. Water has dropped and clear and salmonflies showing up down low. We are going July 5. This is such a prolific river though. Will be interesting to fish it at lower water.
Re: A PMD and a Green Drake
Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 9:14 pm
by NedZeppelin
I love the look of that PMD tie, Frying Pan this September! Is that a hen heckle?
Re: A PMD and a Green Drake
Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2020 6:27 am
by Mike62
A pattern much the same works wonders up here on the Aroostook. I'd probably tie it on a #20 if I could make my fingers work that small.
Every time I see the title for this thread I keep expecting a bad joke to suddenly appear, know, "A PMD and Green Drake walk into a bar..."
Re: A PMD and a Green Drake
Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 6:43 am
by letumgo
“The PMD turns to the Green Drake and said...
Re: A PMD and a Green Drake
Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 7:43 am
by RickA
"My, what large,um....wings you have miss guttulata....
Re: A PMD and a Green Drake
Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 10:04 am
by letumgo