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woven flymphs

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 11:00 pm
by tbar24
how many people like tying these? does the dual colors add alot to the flies?Any body got any good woven patterns they are willing to share?

Re: woven flymphs

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 3:26 pm
by RnF
I can't say I enjoy tying them. But lots do. I typically just get a marker and color the top side of the fly a darker color. Works great and saves me tons of time.

But the woven flies do look fantastic, so I think it's more a artsy thing to do. If you enjoy it, have it! I have no patterns to share with ya.

Re: woven flymphs

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 2:06 pm
by skunkaroo
I don't tye them, but they have some advantages with regard to reduced friction (I'm thinking nymphs here). Two tone effects probably help in some cases, but given the amount of time required to tye them I think that adding a darker "shell back" material would be more useful.


BTW I have a short DVD on tying them from Oliver Edwards that you can have if you want. Just drop me your address via PM.

Re: woven flymphs

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 7:33 am
by Hans Weilenmann

While I do tie the odd woven pattern, just to prove to myself that I can :twisted: I very rarely fish with them.

My daughter does like to tie them.

While at a show in Belgium earlier this year we were tying side by side, and she asked me for a small hook. I handed her a TMC 2488 #30. She used two sections of Pearsall Gossamer silk for the body:

Wee Weaver

Hans W