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"Setting" the hackle?

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 7:13 am
by daringduffer
I am glad that you are back, Mike, since I have a question regarding the historical background and practise for setting the hackle, as opposed to umbrella style. Can you please eloaborate somewhat on this?

Anybody's input is welcome as well.


Re: "Setting" the hackle?

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 9:11 am
by GlassJet
Fascinating stuff Mike.
Mike wrote:Good dressers produced flies like this which looked identical to each other, in terms of dressing, set, and bend. I dont know of any books which refer to this.
If this is true, you should write it up for one of the magazines, I could see Fly Dressers Guild mag publishing something like this - they should do anyway... be a shame for this kind of knowledge to be lost.


Re: "Setting" the hackle?

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 9:36 am
by daringduffer
Thank you Mike - I knew I could trust you!

When I first saw spiders with set hackles I thought this was the result of being stored in a fly wallet. These "simple" flies have always intrigued me and when I got the opportunity in the late eighties I discussed them with Lars Olsson, riverkeeper at Idsjostrommen in Gim river in Sweden. He told me that this "set" was deliberate and to me it makes a lot of sense when seeing wings and legs of a fly drifting in the stream. Although I am very eager to read what I can find about the subject it was not until I first read one of your writings I ever met this information again.

Was it Blacker who propagated against it, or was it someone else? I seem to remember that some well known fly-dresser preferred umbrella style but can't remember where I picked that up.


Re: "Setting" the hackle?

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 10:58 am
by Hans Weilenmann


Hans W

Re: "Setting" the hackle?

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 11:30 am
by wsbailey
"a mode of partially curling the hackle": ... 0/mode/2up


Re: "Setting" the hackle?

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 12:17 pm
by hankaye
Howdy Mr. Connor,
You generate so much grist for my mill...
I am finding that I look forward to the huge posts that you place here-in.
As a novice to fly fishing I (and no doubt others), find your insights to be enlighting.
Please stick around, I'm appericating what you have to say.
Thank you,

Re: "Setting" the hackle?

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 12:29 pm
by GlassJet
Mike wrote:If it's here, it isn't yet lost.................! :)
I was going to post here, but instead have started a new thread in the fishing cabin, asking about how these boards are archived and the permanence (or otherwise!) of a thread's url. ... f=8&t=1296

Re: "Setting" the hackle?

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 12:45 pm
by daringduffer

This thread is a typical example of why I totally ignore the size of your trumpet and how you use it. You help me connect with our history which to me is as important as to catch fish - or even more so.

Thank you.


Forgot to say that the"Pink Squirrel" looks quite indispensable...