Still raining......
Posted: Fri May 12, 2023 11:50 pm
Hi all,
I thought the rain would finally stop but no such luck. Yesterday evening, I stopped by the fly shop and hung out with the owner and tied flies. It is amazing that we really don't communicate well verbally but we do understand the universal language of fly tying. His English is much better than my Japanese. When I try to communicate in Japanese the conversation quickly turns to English, that is how bad I am. He has taught me a lot about fly tying and his mastery of thread control is amazing. What takes me three or four wraps he does in one or two wraps. It is amazing to watch him at work. We tied with orange silk and my mystery feather. The flies in the pictures below were all tied on a #16 Dohiku hooks, orange silk floss (2 strands), and partridge for the hackle and at times a dubbing loop of chickabou tips prior to the partridge feather.
I thought the rain would finally stop but no such luck. Yesterday evening, I stopped by the fly shop and hung out with the owner and tied flies. It is amazing that we really don't communicate well verbally but we do understand the universal language of fly tying. His English is much better than my Japanese. When I try to communicate in Japanese the conversation quickly turns to English, that is how bad I am. He has taught me a lot about fly tying and his mastery of thread control is amazing. What takes me three or four wraps he does in one or two wraps. It is amazing to watch him at work. We tied with orange silk and my mystery feather. The flies in the pictures below were all tied on a #16 Dohiku hooks, orange silk floss (2 strands), and partridge for the hackle and at times a dubbing loop of chickabou tips prior to the partridge feather.