Knowing that there would be a few other tying, I made it a point to pick a simple Flymph to tie! Nothing fancy but using a size 12 hook to give the observers something they could see. I kept it simple, three materials along with thread, using a new material, to me, and cranked out over 48 flies in the 6 hours I was there! The best part of my "show" is to pick up a stack of the plastic snap boxes found in most fly shops to use when you want to purchase a few flies! As I tied, I placed one each of the three body colors I had on hand, snapped it closed and set it aside! The fun came when I had an old timer or a youngster before me, either asking questions or sharing their memories of when they last used such a fly, and I would hand them a box, saying “catch a few for me…”
I truly enjoy the looks on their faces, sometimes smiles, for others, teary eyed, as they went right to thinking of getting back out on the waters to wet a line!
The other guys tying….
They all did some mighty fine tying, but all were so “busy’ in staying focused on some “spent trico”; ity-bitty midges and such; some foam flies and a few others, that they shared little info about with those in attendance. All were, level 3- 4 flies that were way beyond the average person there and typically took 15-20 minutes to crank one out! Few people did anything more than to say something like “Wow, I can’t hardly see it let alone tie something like that….”, then move on.
I sit here today, thinking of those 15-16, not counting the endless others on hand, when I would toss a box to some of these “old times” or someone new to the sport, many either having not yet learn to tie, others showing tired and shaky hands that would struggle to tie, then seeing their faces. Each person who stopped to chat or watch and listen, walked away with an invite to check back with the shop to see when I’ll be back. On the way out at the end of the day, I stopped by the desk at the shop to advise I’ll be posting a list of Saturday dates, expecting to come in to teach those wanting to learn this art! It’s all done for free…. those who sign up,will only pay with more of those smiles and sharing stories.
Yes, the store will provide class equipment and materials!
The Fly Pattern:
Thread: 8/0 Black (or match body color as you please!)
Ribbing: “Midge” Diamond Braid (contrasting colors or go similar to body color!)
Body: Wapsi, “Awesome Possum” (Light Olive, Black or Golden Stone, were the three I demo’ed) Note: I cut this material down in length and dub lightly onto the thread with a twist between the fingers.
Hackle: Soft, Hen (Black on black body; cream or ginger on the others!)
The hot pattern that drew the most attention, was "black" body with black hackle and Blue MDB!
Second was the "Golden Stone" with ginger hackle and a Fl. Chum Green MDB!
May I say, while I have not fished these patterns (yes, I “made them up" that day!

Sharing the Art!