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Fishing with Tim (tjd)

Posted: Mon May 23, 2016 10:01 pm
by letumgo
I had the opportunity to fish again with with our friend Tim this past weekend. The weather was overcast and raining. Water temperature and levels were good and with excellent insect activity. Perfect fly fishing fishing conditions.

I fished alone early Saturday afternoon, and had a lot of fun swinging soft hackle flies. The first couple trout of the day were caught on soft hackle flies that Johnno sent me. Thanks Johnno!

I caught this guy at the end of a long riffle pool The fly had just completed the drift and was hanging at the end of the line, being knocked around by the current. As I lifted the rod, there was resistance that felt like a snag, then a firm tug letting me know that a fish had grabbed the fly. He put up a great fight, but I eventually netted him. I was amazed with how healthy and plump this fish was. A nice healthy brown trout.

Here was the next brown I caught. I took this photo as I was pulling him in. Sort of an action shot, but it turned out blurry.

This is another one of Johnno's wingless wet flies. It had a deep burgundy body, black hackle and a gold rib.

The trout liked this pattern too. I landed this guy after just a few drifts.Image
Same fly, after being chewed on by trout.

I then tyed on one of my wool bodied peacock and orange soft hackle flies.
This guy SMASHED the fly, as it drifted deep along the bank.
Well chewed fly...

Here is one of Charlie's tups soft hackle.
Unfortunately the next trout I hooked kept Charlie's fly. Rats! :( :D :lol:

In the afternoon, I met up with Tim and we fished until dark. I had worked this stretch for a short time before Tim arrived, but did not catch any fish. The olives and march browns were coming off in good numbers and the fish started feeding actively on the surface. Tim tied on a dry fly and immediately started catching fish.

He handed me an olive emerger pattern and I started hooking fish left and right. While Tim was catching trout, I was catching shiners. :D :lol:
This is a golden shiner. They are a lovely fish. Their foreheads are covered in small spikes, similar to some dace.

TIm hooks another one along the far bank.

The march brown mayflies were coming off in good numbers. Here I was comparing one of Tim's march brown fly patterns, to the real insect on the water. It was amazing to see how close they were, floating along on the surface of the water.

As I look up, Tim catches another trout. The man is amazing to watch...

It turns out that Tim is an excellent cook too. Venison steaks, with sauted onions, eggs over easy & whole wheat toast.

I took a quick peek in his wet fly box when he was distracted.

This is Tim's march brown soft hackle pattern. Such a graceful fly.

This is another isonychia pattern he ties.


Re: Fishing with Tim (tjd)

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 12:00 am
by Johnno
Cool! That top green fly is called the Della Vedova after a small area of a big South Island river called the Buller. Back in the day before didymo wrecked it there was a long fine stretch of river full of green free living caddis. That fly was tied to fish there. Fantastic to see it can weave magic half a world away. That second of mine was a soft hackle tied to imitate an emerging local mayfly we call the Twilight Beauty... Pleased to know they can add a smile

Re: Fishing with Tim (tjd)

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 7:50 am
by hankaye
Ray, Howdy;

Thanks for yet another virtual fishing excursion :D . Great pix and narrative to expand the
experience. Great way to wake-up and get some stimulation to the brain cells while the coffee
is grumbling in the maker ...


Re: Fishing with Tim (tjd)

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 7:57 am
by hankaye
Johnno, Howdy;

Thanks for giving Ray another excuse to go fishing. As if he needs an excuse ... :roll: , :lol: .
Also thanks for the history behind the flies for me it's nice to know information like that. It
also helps me realize just how much alike different places on this Big Blue Marble truly are.


Re: Fishing with Tim (tjd)

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 1:49 pm
by tie2fish
Some truly handsome fish in there, Ray. Thanks to you for taking us along and to Tim for getting you to use a dry fly ;) .

Re: Fishing with Tim (tjd)

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 5:35 pm
by Smuggler
Awesome stuff Ray (and Tim)! Great post.

Re: Fishing with Tim (tjd)

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 7:13 pm
by tjd

I hope this post we discussed, last time I tried to comment on a post the words vanished into a void somewhere!

Always a pleasure to fish with you, and also to have you as a guest, Ray!

We had a good couple of outings, and were fortunate o find good hatches of March Browns, Olives, Sulphurs, and various caddis. The trout were definitely looking up. Ray was able to get on them with a dry quickly. Those fish were quite selective, and many times I observed refusals to not only my flies (no surprise) but to the naturals!

I'm ashamed that I was again without camera, and unable to take pictures of Ray (the fish magnet, the tenkara sensei, et. al.). Looking forward to the next time!

Thanks for the comments, everyone!



Re: Fishing with Tim (tjd)

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 8:50 pm
by hankaye
tjd, Howdy;

As far as having a post go AWOL I've had several and more on other forums :oops:
What I have discovered, in my case, is that I sometimes hit the preview button,
notice that "appears" to have posted and when I go back the next time I notice
that it has mysteriously "vanished". So, before I exit the forum i go and double
check if I don't find it I can hit the back button up top to walk back and find it
and make sure that I hit the Submit button. My forehead is flatter than Homer Simpson's
from all the head-smack I give myself ... :roll: , ;) . That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.


Re: Fishing with Tim (tjd)

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 9:45 pm
by William Anderson
Ray, this is such a cool post. I'm so glad you two were able to get into some great fishing at the peak of the season. I love these shots.

Tim, I really hope to get all the way up there sometime. Always great to see what you're up to.

Re: Fishing with Tim (tjd)

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 5:02 am
by tjd

I'm just a tech-challenged grunt...


Yes. lots of flies to try and hatches to match during this time of the year. Come on up! You'd disapprove of the jumble on my fly tying bench, for sure!

