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The 'red quill' in CO

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 1:35 pm
by Flykuni
Am heading to CO on Saturday for a cane conclave, and some fishng. My box of soft ones is filled, from tiny flymphs to shaggy Drake things. Thanks for the help, gents. Some ties are traditional, some are what they appear to be, hackles and hairs lashed forth. But they are buggy, and I have a good feeling that when I toss them they will bring a fish.

Now, my connections tell me the Drakes are waning, and that's okay. They say the Red Quill will be the pattern -- suggestions please. I have three patterns in my box that will suit: thread-bodied, sparsely-dubbed and very-sparsely-dubbed. With various hackles.

Is there a traditional tie I might do over the next 72 hours?

Re: The 'red quill' in CO

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 4:58 pm
by narcodog
Have a light colored pmd type flymph as the Spruce Moths are about to take flight

Re: The 'red quill' in CO

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 6:53 pm
by Eric Peper
I wouldn't go anywhere in the Rockies without some 14 and 16 softhackles with woodduck fiber tails, pheasant tail body with copper wire rib, and a softhackle of quail or grouse coverts (IOW plain and simple). Hope I gotcha in time.


Re: The 'red quill' in CO

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 12:45 pm
by Flykuni
You have, sir. I have 48 hours to tie. Packing is done, almost -- cane rods are last to be packed, strong tubes and carpet tubes, duct tape for all. Peace of mind for me.

Re your suggestion, I have such patterns in box, and will use. Thanks. Hope Fork treats you well this summer. Say hey to Nelson should you spy him. And Whitefish.