Flouro Tippets for Flymphs?

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Re: Flouro Tippets for Flymphs?

Post by Old Hat » Wed Jun 04, 2014 11:25 am

I fall in the same category as William. I haven't ever noticed any advantages or disadvantages of one over the other for catching fish.
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Re: Flouro Tippets for Flymphs?

Post by fflutterffly » Wed Jun 04, 2014 9:26 pm

I recently asked if anyone had used the P-line Floroclear as tippet material. The core is mona with a coating of Floro. I'm bring it along, to Yellowstone, to give it a test on the cold waters.
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Re: Flouro Tippets for Flymphs?

Post by letumgo » Wed Jun 04, 2014 10:08 pm

I have not used P-line Floroclear, so I am unable to provide feedback. Sorry. :(
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Re: Flouro Tippets for Flymphs?

Post by Roadkill » Thu Jun 05, 2014 5:02 pm

I don't use it because it won't degrade like mono in the stream. A guide and fishing company tester also told me that the older fluorocarbon may have had a refractive index that made it almost invisible from the side but looking lengthwise down the line it look more like a neon light tube. ;)
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Re: Flouro Tippets for Flymphs?

Post by ocsofthackle » Tue Aug 18, 2015 5:25 pm

I'm about a year late with this and am not even sure anyone is still on the fence with respect to flouro vs mono. I'm not a scientist but did conduct a little experiment in my bathroom sink. I took two lengths--one mono and one flouro both of 1x diameter and placed them in the sink filled with water. Then shinned a light from above. They produced ---as far as my eye could determine ---identical shadows on the bottom of the sink. This was particularly true when the material was below the surface. Not sure what this means----if anything----but my suspicion is that both would show as black lines when viewed from below. Jack
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Re: Flouro Tippets for Flymphs?

Post by William Anderson » Tue Aug 18, 2015 9:45 pm

Jack, thanks for bringing this round again. I was glad to read these posts and considered comments from so many very astute anglers. I stand by my earlier response with an update. I was having issues last fall with my mono tippet material refusing to sink even with a touch of mud and spit and careful handing around floatants or line cleaners etc. i switched to flouro for my final two lengths of tippet all season this season out of stubborn means to will that tippet below surface and avoid all those refraction stars that appear when the tippet is in the film. I've been much happier, no matter the water clarity or even light quality. It's more dense and it sinks better and if it's less visible all the better.
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