Melanistic Pheasant, Chukkar, Cornish Game Hen
Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2021 9:37 am
Thought I'd put up some pictures of some recent feather additions to the tying bench. Several years ago I had a beautiful full skin of a Melanistic Ringneck Pheasant. At Expos, I used to lay out several of the different skins I used for people to see and ask questions about them. During a bathroom break at one of the shows, Albany, Oregon I think, someone slipped the Melanistic skin out of the bag and replaced it with a hen pheasant skin. I didn't even notice until we got back to Washington. My lovely wife, Vickie, knew I was looking for another skin and she spotted this rump patch hanging on the wall of a local antique store for $20. She sent a picture and asked if I wanted it. Unfortunately, the folks who had it in their booth did not have the rest of the bird. The photos do not do justice to the beauty of these feathers.
I also just got a very nice Chukkar skin with some beautiful, soft feather that are very nicely marked. This was part of a Moscow Hide and Fur order.
Lastly, is the Cornish Game Hen, also from Moscow Hide and Fur. Doing a bit of research on these birds, they are usually white. They are slaughtered for meat at less than 5 weeks of age. I thought that surprising, based on the size of this skin. Again, using a flash indoors didn't do justice to the colors of these feathers. What appears black in the photo is actually and dark, shimmery green.